IMAGES Journal for Visual Studies

New Edition of the CVS and SF:ius: Introducing Nostalgia Movements

This volume, edited by Dario Vuger, presents a psychogeographical outline of an effort to critically engage the phenomena of nostalgia in everyday life as we experience it today. From essays, interviews, and research to aesthetic renderings and artistic reactions, the volume aims to demonstrate the scopes of nostalgia's influence on contemporary culture as a state of being, feeling, and as an attitude provoked by the techno-scientific developments of the late 20th and first two decades of 21st century. Not being a simple introduction, this book does not contain a concise history of nostalgia, and beyond its perspective as an academic resource – as a contribution to an ever–growing field of nostalgia research – one of its primary goals is to provide the reader with the propaedeutic for practical engagement with the phenomena of nostalgia there where its effects are most observable in popular culture of our time.More

Image and Anti-image. Julije Knifer and the Problem of Representation

This project aims at a critical evaluation of the work of Julije Knifer – one of the most important Croatian artists of last decades. He is unanimously believed to be the most intriguing representative of the Croatian Neo-avantgarde with significant presence on the whole territory of the former Yugoslavia. However, serious critical evaluation is still missing. Why is Knifer's motif of “meander” so important? Why is his art decisive for the understanding of the society of spectacle? How can it be interpreted in terms of art-historical discourse and how in relation to other disciplines? Is there any political charge in Knifer's work, despite his alleged lack of interest for politically engaged art? More

The second issue of the on-line magazine IMAGES – Journal for visual studies

In the second issue of IMAGES Krešimir Purgar emphasises some key points in the conversation that has started two decades ago, after Thomas Mitchell and Gottfried Boehm had proclaimed the advent of the so called pictorial and/or iconic turn. Marko Stamenković discusses relation of the imperialist and anti-imperialist (visual) epistemologies in order to bring forward the need to look at the world from the viewpoint(s) of what he assumes to be the “Global South”. Silvia Casini's article engages with Godard’s “anti-montage” and morphology as two ways that visual studies scholars have at their disposal to challenge the relationship between images and theory, while Ilaria Fornacciari focuses on the epistemological character of some of the theoretical notions used by the father of iconology Erwin Panofsky and compares them to constitutive elements of Foucault's archaeological analysis. The text by Nemanja Zvijer discusses how the Yugoslav socialist system's main values had been treated in the partisan films. The author in his article focuses on the so-called “filmed offensives”. All articles are available here.

Visual Studies Today – The Power of Images

Center for Visual Studies, Zagreb, TVRĐA – magazine for theory, culture and visual arts, Croatian Writers Association, Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb and Association “White Wave”, Zagreb, invite you to a four-day event entitled Visual Studies Today – The Power of Images. The programme comprises of an international scientific conference Visual Studies as Academic Discipline from 7th to 8th November 2013 and a series of public lectures, round-table discussions and performances – Subversive Art & Theory from 9th to 10th November. After the conference Visual Construction of Culture held in 2007, the present conference and the whole event aim to investigate the actual state of affairs within the discipline of visual studies in Croatia, Europe and the world. After having received applications from numerous scholars around the globe, scientific board has selected thirty-four lectures to be presented during the conference and discussed with the participation of the audience focusing on contemporary challenges and further establishment of image science and visual culture in general. In addition to selected scholars, it is our great pleasure to be able to host professor W.J.T. Mitchell from the University of Chicago, our key-note speaker and one of the most consistent proponents of visual studies in the world; moreover, we proudly present our plenary speakers, professor Marquard Smith from the Westminster University in London, founder and chief editor of the influential Journal for Visual Culture as well as Michele Cometa from the University of Palermo, one of the most versatile members of the so called continental European school of visual and cultural studies.

The research and publishing activities of the Center are financially supported by the Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.